Determination. Fresh graduates, you earned your diploma not because your professor just simply want you to graduate. Some of you may argue to this statement. I've been hearing a couple of people telling me that some of the students got their diploma because the professor already gave up mentoring students whose been in college for years. But I don't think so. I am positive that at some point, students are really determined to graduate. Anyone who stepped into college had a major twist in their lives and become determined to get a diploma even though they don't know what to do with it after graduation. Graduates, regardless how small or great determination you showed in college, intensify that starting today. Bear in mind that the world waiting ahead you is tough enough to push and pull you off to any direction. Do not be discouraged to any failures. Your determination to have a successful life defines your future. Frustrations and failures during job hunting are part of our lives. Keep your determination though at times you feel losing it. Keep the fire burning!
Integrity. No matter what happens, do not lie to any job interviewers. If you get hired, do not do anything malicious against your employer or company. Integrity is more than honesty. Honesty can be of telling a big harmful mistake you did to company but integrity is not doing anything harmful to your job, colleague, superiors, and to the entire company. Love your job and value your job.
Versatility. You might be a graduate of an Engineering course, you might be a licensed engineer, you might be a suma cum laude from a reputable University like UP, ADMU, La Salle, etc. but who cares when someone is far better than you? You must be versatile enough to adjust to the world. The world will not do anything to you but you have to do something to be successful in this world. For instance, if you are not accepted as an engineer to any related job position, then you have to find other jobs that suits you. Check your skills, check your competencies, check your abilities, etc. You might be a an excellent cook. While waiting for interview, why not ask your mom or dad to help you establish a little store where you can sell squid balls, snacks, etc. If you are a journalist and you haven't found a job then set up and internet at home and start blogging. That is pretty much related to your field. Who knows, people will discover your blogs and one of your readers will hire you off shore.
Eagerness. If you want it, you will have it. 10% is planning and 90% is implementation. Being eager to have a job is putting your plans into actions. Start hunting a job as early as now. Send your resume online, ask your friends for referral and stay connected in facebook.
Research. Did I say facebook above? Yes, simply browse your batchmate's facebook wall. You might see interesting posts about their status updates detailing the company they applied to, their experiences, and maybe they posted a couple of hints about the interviews and what not. You have to prepare for your interview. If you eye for a certain company then you have to know the background of the company like it's history, the nature of the work they are offering, qualifications and requirements they need, etc. Research is not just applicable inside the four corners of your classroom. The toughest research is outside your class.
Socialize. Do not stay at home. Go out and check the latest job fairs in town. I know thousands of applicants flocked into job fairs but you really have to bear all the sweat and heat of the sun.
Independence. Guys, you have to move on your own. You don't have to ask your mom or dad to accompany you to a job interview. Be independent. Decide things on your own. Do not rely to anyone else.
Time Management. Know your priorities to budget your time. No more over sleeping and don't spend too much of your weekends hopping from one bar to another. I am not saying not to enjoy but lessen the time in going out to a party that isn't really that helpful to you. I mentioned to socialize earlier but doing this more than what you suppose to do always bring a negative impact to your career. Allocate your time wisely.
Yearn. Have a strong desire to fulfill your plans. Put your plans into actions as soon as possible.
Humility. Stay humble. Even if you graduated with honors, control yourself not to brag to anybody. Remember this, perception can kill you anytime. What I mean by that, your boss might have been noticing your potentials but your career was jeopardized when they suddenly change their minds due to some negative impressions based on the things that you keep on doing it in front of them.
Uniqueness. Don't be like someone but be who you are. You can try to imitate good approach from others but try to assess if you can do it better using your own skills. If not, that's time that you have to follow their own ways. There are things that others do well but you may become surprise that you are doing it better using your own skills. Be reminded, not to over do it. It might sound that you always want to be right and we don't like that to happen.
Motivation. This is related to determination which I discussed above and they work hand in hand. Motivate your self whenever you face frustrations. Again, the world will not always provide you with success and happiness. Most of the time, you will face many failures and sometimes you will get a major self defining failure. Bear in mind, failures are always a life changing situation that would enhance our being. Just keep yourself motivated. Any failure is not a sign that it's the end of your career. 2012 is not the end of the world! :)
Assertiveness. Be strong and stand firm with your ideas and plans for your career. Do not let someone pull you down.
Never say die. Remember the book of Jack Hawkins? The rest of the world may turn its back on you but there will always be a solution to problems and failures you met.
Graduates, my advice is easy to remember. It stands for DIVERSITYHUMAN. :)
Welcome to the real world. Anything may happen here. Be aware and beware of the threats. Your success lies on your own hands!
-A message from Admin
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