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SM Parisian Bloggers Challenge

SM Parisian Bloggers Challenge

Alright, so much with the bad news! I want to create a different article today. Marisse is not around so I will do this job on her behalf. See how a webmaster/programmer/physicist and a robotics fan write a fashion blog. LOL Does it sound awkward me doing this? :roll: Anyways, I am open to any feedback or you can even extend this article to make it more intuitive to others using the comments box below. You can correct me if I will commit mistakes on this article. (grammar issues? I have a lot of that! :) ) Guys, I don't even know how to make a comprehensive fashion article at this very moment. But I will give it a shot and guys don't expect too much from me okay? :)

Okay, SM and Parisian Shoes will be giving away PHP20,000.00 GCs for the top 3 chosen fashion bloggers. At this time honestly I don't know how many wanna be models joined the contest. I just came into the blogging world for about three months so I don't have any direct contacts with any of the featured fashion bloggers in this article. My bad! :(

I thought bloggers are just meant to swim on the web and write bunch of articles but I am wrong. When I browsed into their sites, some of them even look like a professional fashion model. Do I sound surprised? 8-O :) But of course there are some who joined the contest just for the heck of it. :mry:

This contest is not just for bloggers, you will also have a chance of winning GCs from SM and Parisian bags and shoes by simply casting your votes in Facebook. Take note, you will have a chance only if your chosen blogger wins. You can cast your votes three times a day for each blogger you like. Cast your vote until April 28, 2012.

Here are some gorgeous bloggers who joined the SM Parisian Contest.

Claiming to be the only "plumpies" in the contest, Danah and Stacey Gutierrez!


A perfect dress from Tracy Ayson


Freelance Stylist, Patricia Prieto


PeaceloveFashion co-owner REG Rodriguez


The fashionista Commuter, Ana Gonzales


Alex Lapa--a once tomboyish girl who suddenly discovered the joys and perks of dressing up.


Valerie Chua, an illustrator based in Manila.


Sarah Tirona (not sure about her name), the Queen of the Highway!


Raleene Cabrera (not sure about her name), Interior Design Director of INCA Plastics Philippines, Inc.


Jheng Santos, a self-confessed makeup addict, schizo and drama queen.


Bestie(pen name) self-proclaimed style chameleon hailing from manila


A blogger who loves to shop, Krissy Cruz


Melai Entuna, Events Host and Production Manager for film and events


Ingrid Nieto, Radio jock, singer, host, personality development teacher, resource speaker, Human Nature Ambassador (Metro Manila North)



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