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I am a Storyteller | Abielle Remo

I’m Abielle Remo and I’m a storyteller!

It’s been a long journey. From starting college until now that we’re graduating. As I am writing this, I am reflecting on what I really learned in college. Of course, if I had to mention all of the technicalities, books, facts, and trivia of all the things I learned, then this would be very informative. But right now, I consider myself a storyteller. And I want to share the learnings that really matter the most.


Photo: www.foxpueblopottery.com

What HAVE I really learned in college? Well, I learned that you can retain friends. So many people have told me that friends in college come and go. You change your friends every semester and that you can’t be close friends with the same person you were with, during your first year. They’re wrong.

Maybe those people just didn’t pass the tests that came along with the journey.

I learned that if you are to look for negativity in every person, you definitely will find some. But it is all up to you, if you are to look for it in the first place, or if you choose to see the good in every one. I prefer the latter. I learned that compliments like “You look pretty!”, “You look handsome!”, “I like your shoes”, “You’re sexy!”, “I like your dress.” WILL indeed make you happy BUT it lasts only for the day.

The statements like “You’re a good person!”, “Thank you for being there!”, “You’re an inspiration”, “I adore your passion.”, “You’re blessed”, “Thank you for being a blessing” will most likely bring you joy that could last a lifetime.

The pressures and the sleepless nights give you a sense of purpose and fulfilment and it makes you enjoy the simple joys of life even more. Suddenly, and extra hour of nap time is more treasured, spending time with your family is something you look forward to, and every meal is suddenly more enjoyable.

I have come to realize that every time you fall head over heels in love with someone, regardless of how they treat you, then you have already found TRUE LOVE - true love in the sense that you’ve been selfless, and that you’re capable of loving even if it means getting hurt in return. So don’t fear that you haven’t found true love yet, because every time you fall, you can assure yourself, you are an epitome of TRUE.

In you, there are now bits and pieces of the souls of every person you’ve met. Just the fact that you remember their names already mean that there is a part of them with you. Every person you interacted with are somehow responsible of who you are right now. You cannot remove their influence from your life. Who you came to be are because of everyone you have met. Regardless of how little they did in your life, they were still a part of it.

I learned that there are no endings – only new beginnings. Endings are only when you no longer feel anything and you’re no longer living. As long as you continue to learn, there are always new beginnings.

You yourself are an adventure. Don’t try figuring other people out, for I am sure they’re still also figuring themselves out. Try to figure yourself out first. With everything you do, you will learn something new about who you really are. Don’t let other people convince you that they have you figured out. Unless they know exactly how many strands of hair you have or you once had, then they have no idea who you are or who you are capable of becoming.

I know this piece didn’t really do much storytelling but still, the writer is considered a storyteller. I tell you…

Write! Become storytellers yourselves. Share your experiences and keep track of them. Be a part of other people’s lives the same way special people are to you. Your life CAN be like the movies – or even better. For movies are inspired from real life experiences. Even fictions are inspired by reality.

A wise professor once told us, that everything you do in your life, every adventure you go through, every moment shared are all but stories to remember and tell for when you’re rocking on that chair, old and grey. Go and make new ones and remember them.

So there! To the batch 2014, let’s go and continue our journey!

Once again I’m Abielle Remo and I’m a storyteller!


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Hi! I’m Abielle, a Communication Arts student from Colegio de San Juan de Letran Manila. I’m 20 years old and would love to build a career on singing, writing and film directing. I've done some modelling but my passion is still with – Film and Writing. I’m opinionated--peculiar little puzzle that even I can’t figure myself out. Maybe through writing, we’d get bits and pieces of this puzzle together. Follow this puzzle’s twitter and Instagram: abielleremo

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